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Become Investment Ready

Investors look for more than a great product/service. They look for that "thing" about you that makes you difficult to replicate. I offer a number of services to help you maximise your competitiveness, in order to get the best investment options and stay ahead of the race.

Strategy Clinic

From marketing & sales, finance & recruitment to processes & logistics.

Let's align all activities to protect, grow and communicate your value.

Organisational Design

Streamline everything. Let's remove dysfunctions, inefficiencies & bottlenecks from your people, processes and work flows to optimise your business

Company Culture

Teams are everything. Let’s create a culture that shares knowledge, innovates new ideas, tolerates failure,

takes risk and adapts to change.


Investors demand responsibility. Let’s design your mission statement, organisational structure, risk management and internal controls.

Financial Management

99 out of 100 problems are solved by money. Let’s deal with shares, loans, investment, savings, leasing, licensing, rental and tax. 

Pitch Coaching

Can you persuade investors to take a chance on you in 2 mins? I create persuasive pitches through powerful storytelling and inspiring presentations.

Business Intelligence

Knowledge is power. Let's start collecting, sorting and utilising data from all parts of your business to analyze performance and project futures.


These organisations grow your start-up, gain education, develop networks and raise capital. Let me help you through the daunting application process.  

I am based in London, but provide these services to you, over the internet, anywhere in the world.   

Take advantage of my FREE Strategy Clinic    

Learn more about me

Learn about my other services                   

To know more about how I work with our clients

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